【展後感言Reflection】JDC Lab x HKTDC 香港國際珠寶展 Hong Kong International Jewellery Show

作者: | 3 月 11 日, 2024 | JDC 研社

香港貿易發展局主辦的香港國際珠寶展被譽為一年一度最大型的珠寶界盛事,吸引來自世界各地的珠寶業界人士,聚集了全球最頂尖珠寶品牌、設計師和不少跟 JDC 一樣,以科技融入珠寶業為特點的創科公司。JDC 作為一個新興的高級天然珠寶網上平台,有幸參展此盛會,這是一個極為難得的機會,讓我們有機會與更多業界的優秀同行互動,發現最新的珠寶趨勢並建立有價值的合作關係。

The Hong Kong International Jewellery Show, organised by the HKTDC, is renowned as the largest annual event in the jewellery industry. It attracts professionals from the global jewellery sector and brings together top jewellery brands, designers, and innovative technology companies like JDC that integrate technology into the jewellery industry. As an emerging natural fine jewellery online platform, JDC was fortunate to participate in this grand event. It was a rare opportunity for us to interact with outstanding peers in the industry, discover the latest jewellery trends, and establish valuable partnerships.


Exhibiting is an excellent opportunity to establish connections within the industry, enabling extensive interaction and cooperation with other exhibitors. These interactions not only allow us to understand the uniqueness of different brands and designers but also open up possible collaboration opportunities. JDC has always been a strong supporter of this form of interaction. We believe that through this method, we can more effectively understand market trends, grasp industry dynamics, and find more partners to jointly promote the development of the jewellery industry. We look forward to continuing to exchange and learn with all parties at future exhibitions, collaboratively creating a more beautiful world of jewellery.

在展會期間我們展示了 JDC 平台獨有的功能、服務、全新的交易方式,吸引不少來自外國的買家和業界人士向我們查詢,他們對我們的平台服務表達了濃厚的興趣。經過深入的交流後,他們對 JDC 平台給予了積極的反饋,並表達了對進一步合作的興趣。這些反饋為我們提供了珍貴的市場動向,幫助我們調整和改進我們的網上平台。

During the exhibition, we showcased the unique features, services, and innovative trading methods offered by the JDC platform, attracting numerous international buyers and industry professionals who inquired about our platform services and expressed strong interest. Through in-depth discussions, they provided positive feedback on the JDC platform and expressed interest in further collaboration. These feedbacks have provided us with valuable market insights, helping us adjust and improve our online platform.

這次是 JDC 第三次參展,跟前兩次不同的是我們的 CEO, Patrick Yuen, 首次以演講嘉賓的身份出席研討會,向大眾講解關於網路銷售珠寶業務,探討在線銷售珠寶的好處,挑戰以及最佳實踐方法。現場所見,觀眾除本地業內人士外,不少國外珠寶商家和投資者都慕名前來,一睹Patrick的風采!於演講完結後,對 JDC 有興趣的商家及投資者都有即場直接到我們展位作進一步了解。

In its third exhibition appearance, JDC stood out with CEO Patrick Yuen delivering his debut keynote speech. He engaged the audience in online jewellery sales, exploring its benefits, challenges, and best practices. The diverse attendees, ranging from local insiders to international merchants and investors, were captivated. Following the presentation, those intrigued by JDC were welcomed to deepen their understanding at our booth.

JDC很感恩能參與並享受 2024 香港國際珠寶展,這個經驗將成為我們持續成長和發展的重要里程碑。我們期待著未來與不同珠寶品牌有更多合作的機會,幫助他們的同時,也能一步一步建立 JDC 在國際間的商譽,繼續以創新科技融入傳統珠寶業為目標在珠寶界默默耕耘,努力獲得卓越的成就。

JDC is grateful for the opportunity to participate in the 2024 Hong Kong International Jewellery Show, and this experience will be an important milestone in our continuous growth and development. We look forward to more opportunities to collaborate with different jewellery brands and assist them while gradually establishing JDC’s reputation internationally. Our goal is to continue integrating innovative technology into the traditional jewellery industry, silently cultivating in the jewellery sector, and striving for outstanding achievements.

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