JDC Lab x 數碼港創業投資論壇 CVCF 2024

作者: | 10 月 18 日, 2024 | JDC 研社

JDC 即將參加 10月24日至25日 舉行的數碼港創業投資論壇(Cyberport Venture Capital Forum – CVCF)! 作為一家香港數碼港社群的初創公司,這次機會對我們來說意義重大。我們期望與各珠寶商及社會各界在這次盛會中相見。
CVCF 是香港科技創新的年度盛會,匯聚了全球的投資者、企業家和行業領袖。我們期待在 CVCF 展示 JDC 在珠寶業的創新理念,特別是如何運用區塊鏈技術和我們的 Digital Ownership Token (DOT) 為整個珠寶行業帶來積極以及正面的影響。我們的創新方案將提升透明度,增加客戶信任,並促進可持續發展。
我們的目標是向潛在投資者介紹我們的願景,與行業專家建立聯繫以獲得寶貴意見,並探索進一步的商業合作。我們的團隊正在為這次活動做最後的準備,相信 JDC 的創新方案將在 CVCF 上吸引廣泛關注。
請關注我們的社交媒體,我們會及時更新 CVCF的 最新動態。如果您也將參加這次活動,歡迎來到我們的展位交流互動!
JDC is excited to participate in the Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF) on October 24-25! As a startup within the Hong Kong Cyberport community, this opportunity is invaluable to us, and we look forward to seeing Jewellery Company and the community together at this momentous event.
CVCF is the pinnacle event in Hong Kong’s tech innovation landscape, gathering investors, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders worldwide. We are eager to showcase JDC’s innovative concepts in the jewellery industry, especially how blockchain technology and our Digital Ownership Token (DOT) can positively impact the entire sector. Our solutions aim to enhance transparency, build customer trust, and promote sustainability.
We aim to present our vision to potential investors, connect with industry experts for valuable insights, and explore further business collaborations. Our team is finalizing preparations for the event, and we are confident that JDC’s innovative solutions will garner substantial attention at the CVCF.
Please follow our social media channels for timely updates on CVCF. If you’re attending the event, feel free to visit our booth and chat with us!
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