Hong Kong’s Annual Grandest Jewellery Extravaganza!
「HKTDC 香港國際珠寶展」
HKTDC Hong Kong International Jewellery Show
JDC 會繼續參與及享受其中
JDC will continue to participate and enjoy the experience
地點 Venue
香港會議展覽中心 HKCEC
5F B27 展位 |5F Booth B27
日期 Date
29/2/2024 ~ 4/3/2024
29 FEB ~ 4 MAR 2024
What’s different this time is that
Patrick has the honor of serving as a keynote speaker for the conference!

- 我們的 CEO Patrick 首次亮相 3月2日 的研討會及論壇!
- Our CEO, Patrick, will make his first appearance at the seminar and forum on March 2nd!
- 屆時會向大眾演講關於網路銷售珠寶業務
- He will then give a presentation to the public on the topic of online jewellery sales.
- 探討在線銷售珠寶的好處,挑戰以及最佳實踐方法
- Discussing the benefits, challenges, and best practices of online jewellery sales.

Merchants interested in online jewellery sales
are welcome to visit our booth for more information!
The fusion of jewellery and innovation brings limitless business opportunities.